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incan Meaning in Tamil ( incan வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


incan's Usage Examples:

It may be noted that in all the ceremonies in the religion of the Avesta, incantations, prayers and confessions play a very large part.

incandescent with anger as he sees wicked, bloodthirsty men who hate and blaspheme God.

In all the attempts to make water gas, up to that date, the incandescence of the fuel had been obtained by" blowing "so deep a bed of fuel that carbon monoxide and the residual nitrogen of the air formed the chief products, this mixture being known as" producer "gas.

Cyanogen and its compounds, so far as we know, arise only in a state of incandescent heat.

incantations used by unbelievers, which read like parodies of standard prayers.

Regulate your sleep-wake rhythm with bright light lamp Common fluorescent and incandescent lights do not aid in regulating a body's biorhythm.

The former is often a rich oil-gas, stored in steel reservoirs under the coaches at a pressure of six or seven atmospheres, and passed through a reducing valve to the burners; these used to be of the ordinary fish-tail type, but inverted incandescent mantles are coming into increasing use.

It combines with fluorine with incandescence at ordinary temperatures, and with chlorine at 250-300°; carbon, silicon, and boron, when heated with it in the electric furnace, give crystals harder than the ruby.

Since the advent of the incandescent mantle, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the heating power of the gas more than on its illuminating power, the manu facture of coal gas has undergone considerable modifications.

When they have all been collected, a magical incantation is performed and another portion of the Rainbow Kingdom is freed.

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