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impulsive Meaning in Tamil ( impulsive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



impulsive's Usage Examples:

The impulse required to set up the motion in liquid of density p i the resultant of an impulsive pressure p4) over the surface S of th ellipsoid, and is therefore ffp4ldS p4GoffxldS p 40 (volume of the ellipsoid) 4)oW', (23) where W' denotes the weight of liquid displaced.

Acting impulsively is the behavior of children.

Had his offer been as impulsive as her acceptance?AD/HD children act impulsively, taking action first and thinking later.

The capacity to inhibit egocentric, impulsive, or negative social behavior is also a reflection of a child's social skills.

He was without the impulsiveness which marred Conrads great qualities, but he had the same decisive judgment, wide ambition and irresistibli will as his father.

Each impinging molecule exerts an impulsive pressure equal to mu on the boundary before the component of velocity of its centre of gravity normal to the boundary is reduced to zero.

He had left Moscow when Boris was a boy of fourteen, and had quite forgotten him, but in his usual impulsive and hearty way he took Boris by the hand with a friendly smile.

She heard her voice speaking impulsively.

The disorder is closely related to attention deficit disorder (ADD), with the additional symptoms of impulsiveness and hyperactive behavior.

Antisocial children score high on traits of impulsiveness, but low on anxiety and reward-dependence-the degree to which they value, and are motivated by, approval from others.

Something about the way she impulsively returned his smile and then diffidently looked away tugged at his heart.

He had no great tincture of learning, he was by no means a profound logician, and he was impulsive and emotional in the extreme - characteristics which in political matters predispose the subject to the preference of equality above all political requisites.


driving, dynamic, dynamical,


heterogenous, scripted, stative, undynamic,

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