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imprudence Meaning in Tamil ( imprudence வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



imprudence தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


imprudence's Usage Examples:

The Protestants were now at the height of their power, but their ascendancy was about to be destroyed, and that rather by the folly and imprudence of their leaders than by the skill and valour of their foes.

There were not wanting those who insinuated that Galileo intended to depict the pope himself in the guise of the simpleton of the party; and the charge, though preposterous in itself, was supported by certain imprudences of expression, which Urban was not permitted to ignore.

In the same year, with characteristic imprudence, he married a wife without dowry.

If he is to be blamed in this particular matter, the blame must be chiefly confined to his imprudence in inviting Voltaire at the beginning and to the brutality of his conduct at the end.

In fact the apparently prosperous relative was the victim of unfortunate speculations, and chose rather to be reproached with avarice than with imprudence.

He was helped by his two friends, Lieutenant Katte and Lieutenant Keith; but by the imprudence of the former the secret was found out.

The energy and imprudence of Eutyches in asserting his opinions led to his being accused of heresy by Domnus of Antioch and Eusebius, bishop of Dorylaeum, at a synod presided over by Flavian at Constantinople in 448.

Rouvier reproached the Foreign Minister with imprudence in the matter of Morocco, and after a heated discussion M.

In colonial affairs the Assembly acted with the same imprudence.

Apart from this advantage, placed in his hands by the imprudence of Stein, Napoleon was heavily handicapped at the Erfurt interview.

Eleven days before a fire, caused by imprudence, had consumed all the woodwork of the Ka`ba and burst the black stone in three places.

Hence the mishaps and imprudences of which Bismarck made such an insulting use.

No one ever excelled him in daring and resource as a naval officer, but he suffered from serious defects of character, and even those who think him guiltless of the charge on which he was convicted in 1814 must feel that he had his own imprudence and want of self-command to thank for many of his misfortunes.


incaution, rashness, shortsightedness, incautiousness, improvidence, heedlessness, mindlessness,


heedfulness, meaningfulness, caution, prudence, providence,

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