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impregn Meaning in Tamil ( impregn வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மனத்தில் படியவை, முத்திரை இடு,

impregn தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கணையாழியால் ஆவணங்கள்மீது முத்திரை இடும் பழக்கம் 1265இல் இருந்தே குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது.

இந்த விதத்தில் முத்திரை இடும் பழக்கம் 1842 வரை நடப்பில் இருந்தது.

முத்திரை இடுவதற்குப் பயன்படுத்தாத காலத்திலும் திருத்தந்தைக்கு ஓர் ஆட்சி மோதிரம் அவர் பணிப்பொறுப்பு ஏற்கும் நாளில் வழங்கப்படும்.

சரியான எடையில் இருந்தால், அவற்றில் தொழிலாளர் முத்திரை ஆய்வாளர் நிலையிலான அதிகாரிகள் முத்திரை இடுவார்கள்.

எனினும், இவை வணிகப் பொருட்களுக்கு முத்திரை இடுவதற்காகப் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டு இருக்கலாம் என்பதே பெரும்பாலான ஆய்வாளர்களின் கருத்து.

impregn's Usage Examples:

Cross fertilization, or the impregnation of any given flower by pollen from another flower of the same species on the same or on another plant, has been proved to be of great - g advantage to the plant by securing a more FIG.

That she retained her independence so long was due to a double accident: the impregnability of the lagoons and the jealousies of the great powers.

Its inhabitants had frequent litigations and disputes with their neighbours at Reate in connexion with the regulation of the Velinus, the waters of which are so strongly impregnated with carbonate of lime that by their deposits they tend to block up their own channel.

Haser: "Schdnlein has the incontestable merit of having been the first to establish in Germany the exact method of the French and the English, and to impregnate this method with the vivifying spirit of German research.

Diane eventually becomes pregnant with Jack's child while Ashley uses Victor's sperm to impregnate herself, keeping it a secret from everyone for years.

"Wood, of course, is not as durable as titanium, so we stabilize our woods under extreme pressure and then impregnate them with acrylics for impermeability.

From 1850 onwards it was again repaired and strengthened at great cost, and was considered impregnable; but in the war of 1864 the Prussians turned it by crossing the Schlei, .

The finding of any traces of carbon dioxide in the gas between the first two boxes is generally the signal for a new clean purifier being put into action, and the first one shut off, emptied and recharged with fresh lime, the impregnated material being sometimes sold for dressing certain soils.

After impregnation the fertilized oosphere immediately surrounds itself with a cell-wall and becomes the oospore which by a process of growth forms the embryo of the new plant.

Modern science has converted "Steamer Point" into a seemingly impregnable position, the peninsula which the "Point" forms to the whole crater being cut off by a fortified line which runs from north to south, just to the east of the coal wharfs.

Owing probably to the fact that Makran was for many generations under the rule of the Persian kings, the Baluchi spoken on the west of the province, which is also called Makrani, is more largely impregnated with Persian words and expressions than the Eastern dialect.

It forms a part of the 1mm or plastin network of the nucleus and may become impregnated with varying quantities of chromatin stored up for use in the formation of the chromosomes and other nuclear activities.

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