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impersonate Meaning in Tamil ( impersonate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உருவகப் படுத்திக் காட்டு,

impersonate's Usage Examples:

However, some unscrupulous websites impersonate those websites to gain access to your information.

impersonatealse name or email address or impersonating someone else will result in cancelation of your account.

Before Tiger Woods had all of the legal trouble associated with his divorce from his wife Elin, he another issue: the fact that he was being financially impersonated.

Egyptian speculation, in like manner, impersonated the conceptions of physical and moral order as two sides of a fundamental unity in the goddess Maat.

After watching his estranged family from afar, Phillip hired Cane Ashby to impersonate him.

Putting information out there on social networks can allow someone to take that information and impersonate you.

In November the Commune fitted up Notre Dame as a temple of Reason, selected an opera girl to impersonate the goddess, and with profane ceremony installed her in the choir.

And as he waved his arms to impersonate the policeman, his portly form again shook with a deep ringing laugh, the laugh of one who always eats well and, in particular, drinks well.

A young Oxford priest, Richard Symonds by name, conceived the project of putting forward the boy Simnel to impersonate one of these princes as a claimant for the crown, with the idea of thereby procuring for himself the archbishopric of Canterbury.

The first of the creatures of God is the Universal Intelligence or Spirit, impersonated in Hamza, Hakim's vizier.

The fourth was a Calabrian named Marco Tullio, who, knew no Portuguese; he impersonated the "hidden king" at Venice in `1603 and gained many supporters, but was ultimately captured and executed.

It is not so much as king of the dead that Osiris here appears, but every deceased Egyptian was regarded as himself an Osiris, as having undergone all the indignities inificted upon the god, but finally triumphant over the powers of death and evil impersonated by Seth.


represent, play, portray, act,


fail, underact, overact, inactivity, activity,

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