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imperfect Meaning in Tamil ( imperfect வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


imperfect's Usage Examples:

Catherine Petrovna speaks of Lily, but I say, no--the princess!The conventional fleur-de-lis, as Littre says, represents very imperfectly three flowers of the white lily (Lilium) joined together, the central one erect, and each of the other two curving outwards.

The scapula is long and slender, the supra-scapular border being rounded, and slowly and imperfectly ossified.

"The region between the lines of the two coastal systems is a much dissected plateau, imperfectly explored.

This is due to (a) the dirty condition of the cows' udders, (b) the imperfect cleansing of the cans and of the hands of the milkers.

But of these universal propositions the first imperfectly expresses a categorical belief in existing things, the second in thinkable things, and the third in nameable things, while the fourth is a slipshod categorical expression of the hypothetical belief, " If any candidates arrive late they are fined.

Thus the inspirations of genius, appropriated by those who imperfectly appreciate their subtle beauty and quality, become hackneyed and lose their charm and interest.

Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written.

Here faith means more than loyal acceptance of the divine law and reverent trust in the lawgiver; it implies a consciousness, at once continually present and continually transcended, of the radical imperfection of all human obedience to the law, and at the same time of the irremissible condemnation which this imperfection entails.

important, if limited and imperfect, efforts in textual criticism.

Here he analyses " abstract ideas," and instructively illustrates the confusion apt to be produced in them by the inevitable imperfection of words.

At Paris, in 150o, he was fully conscious that " without Greek the amplest knowledge of Latin was imperfect"; and, during his three years in Italy (1506-1509), he worked quietly at Greek in Bologna and attended the lectures of Musurus in Padua.

Of George Sand's style a foreigner can be but an imperfect judge, but French critics, from Sainte-Beuve, Nisard and Caro down to Jules Lemaitre and Faguet, have agreed to praise her spontaneity, her correctness of diction, her easy opulence - the lactea ubertas that Quintilian attributes to Livy.


defective, corrupt, blemished, irregular, perfection, flawlessness, imperfectible, corrupted, faulty, flawed, ne plus ultra, broken,


proud, unblemished, imperfection, unbroken, perfect,

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