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impartially Meaning in Tamil ( impartially வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



impartially தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நீதித்துறை பக்கச்சார்பின்றி நியாயமாக இருப்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்த நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுத்தார்.

இவ்வியக்கம் சமயம், நாடு, நிறம், இனம், பாலினம், குலம் மற்றும் வகுப்புப் போன்றவற்றின் பக்கச்சார்பின்றி தனது சேவைகளை அளிக்கிறது.

மனிதனின் புலனங்கங்கள் நிகழ்படப் பதிகருவி போல செயற்படாது, பக்கச்சார்பின்றி எல்லா அவதானிப்புகளையும் பதியும்.

impartially's Usage Examples:

This was followed in 1777 by A Letter to Dr Hurd, Bishop of Worcester, wherein the Importance of the Prophecies of the New Testament and the Nature of the Grand Apostasy predicted in them are particularly and impartially considered.

All matters affecting the community are discussed in the majlis or assembly, to which any tribesman has access; here, too, are brought the tribesmen's causes; both sides plead and judgment is given impartially, the loser is fined so many head of small cattle or camels, which he must pay or go into exile.

I desire to speak impartially on this point, and as one not interested in the success or failure of the present economical and social arrangements.

and creeds were treated impartially; and, although the administration has been reproached alike for undue harshness and undue leniency, neither accusation can be sustained.

During the struggles between the Royalists and Covenanters the city was impartially plundered by both sides.

The results of his investigations were communicated from time to time in papers to the Philosophical Transactions of London and other scientific journals, and were admirably and impartially summarized by James D.

Lightfoot, indeed, dwells on the all-round "comprehensiveness" with which Clement, as the mouthpiece of the early Roman Church, utters in succession phrases or ideas borrowed impartially from Peter and Paul and James and the Epistle to Hebrews.

I believe if his story were impartially transmitted and the unprejudiced world well possessed with it, she would add him to her nine worthies.

plentiful as blackberries; and, like fisticuffs, they serve impartially with all sides.

The writer claims to have treated his subject impartially, and though written from the narrow point of view of one to whom Monophysite "orthodoxy" was all-important, it is evidently a faithful reproduction of events as they occurred.

Lastly, the epitaph, read impartially, is not libellous at all, but simply takes up the vein of the opening scenes of Gargantua in reference to Gargantua's author.

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