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immovable Meaning in Tamil ( immovable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இயக்கம் அற்ற, இடம் பெயர்க்க முடியாத,

immovable's Usage Examples:

For they held that ideas, though eternal and immovable, have neither life nor action nor movement.

marked by a longitudinal series of six pairs of immovable spines or processes.

The entire world is not unchangeable, is not immovable.

It is now admitted that, apart from treaty, custom has established very few consular privileges; that perhaps consuls may be arrested and incarcerated, not merely on criminal charges, but for civil debt; and that, if they engage in trade or become the owners of immovable property, their persons certainly lose protection.

Coxae of 4th, 5th and 6th appendages immovable.

Between the long, extensile, worm-like tongue of the anteaters, essential to the peculiar mode of feeding of those animals, and the short, immovable and almost functionless tongue of the porpoise, every intermediate condition is found.

From the hypothesis of an external world a series of contradictions are deduced, such as that the world is both finite and infinite, is movable and immovable, 'c.

It is one; it is eternal; it is whole and continu- ous, both in time and in space; it is immovable and immutable; it is limited, but limited only by itself; it is evenly extended in every direction, and therefore spherical.

It was the very aim of Hegelianism to render fluid the fixed phases of reality - to show existence not to be an immovable rock limiting the efforts of thought, but to have thought implicit in it, waiting for release from its petrifaction.

This was interpreted as a sign of the immovable boundaries and eternal youth of the Roman state.

The dying man lay as lifeless and immovable as before.


immoveable, unmovable, immobile, stabile,


solvability, strength, leave, embark, mobile,

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