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immoral Meaning in Tamil ( immoral வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒழுக்கம் அற்ற, ஒழுக்கமற்ற,

immoral தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவை ஒழுக்கம் அற்ற குருக்களையும், ஆயர்களையும் கையாளும் விதம், பலன்களை தவறாகப்பயன்படுத்துபவரை தடுக்கவும் மற்றும் பிற பொருளாதார தவறுகளை சீர்திருத்தவும் கூடியது.

immoral's Usage Examples:

He puts ritual offences, however, in the same category with offences against the moral law, and he does not distinguish between immorality and practices that are survivals of old recognized customs: in ch.

By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.

His father, a man of immoral life, was with difficulty persuaded to cohabit with his wife.

2 The prevalence of wrongdoing has provoked scepticism as to righteous judgment; but the messenger of Yahweh is at hand to purge away indifferentism from worship and immorality from conduct (ii.

The natives, already prone to the immorality which must infect a mixed population living under a hot sun, the immorality which still infects a place like Aden, were not improved by the addition of convicts.

the exiles: as patriot and ethical teacher he deplored alike the political blindness of the Jerusalem government (King Zedekiah revolted in 588) and the immorality and religious superficiality and apostasy of the people.

"His immoralities, like his acts of persecution, were exaggerated by his opponents; but his private life was undoubtedly a scandal to religion, and has only the excuse that it was not worse than that of most of his order at the time.

The records of the town show that he was burned in effigy as a Huguenot and as shamefully immoral (1554).

In his private life Ranjit Singh was selfish, avaricious, drunken and immoral, but he had a genius for command and was the only man the Sikhs ever produced strong enough to bind them together.

In 1468 twenty of the academicians were arrested during the carnival; Laetus, who had taken refuge in Venice, was sent back to Rome, imprisoned and put to the torture, but refused to plead guilty to the charges of infidelity and immorality.

One law of the panchayat is singular in its difference from the custom of any other native community in Asia; nobody who has a wife living shall marry another, except under peculiar circumstances, such as the barrenness of the living wife, or her immoral conduct.

He earned the surname of "Pious" by banishing his sisters and others of immoral life from court; by attempting to reform and purify monastic life; and by showing great liberality to the church.


base, wrong,


impure, evilness, right,

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