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idly Meaning in Tamil ( idly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



idly's Usage Examples:

Larger cars are usually dumped by means of rotating or swinging cradles, the car bodies being rigidly attached to the axles or trucks.

erodere are rapidly eroding low sandy cliffs in the middle of the bay near Bourne Gap.

Brains were rapidly removed for neurobiological assessment of the severity of the chronic inflammatory pain being suffered using in situ hybridisation histochemistry.

He warned his hearers against the fires of concupiscence, anger, ignorance, birth, death, decay and anxiety; and taking each of the senses in order he compared all human sensations to a burning flame which seems to be something it is not, which produces pleasure and pain, but passes rapidly away, and ends only in destruction.

Alkylating agent-A chemical that alters the composition of the genetic material of rapidly dividing cells, such as cancer cells, causing selective cell death; used as a chemotherapeutic agent.

accretemode is useful for monitoring rapidly variable sources, for example AGN or accreting binaries.

groveling around on frozen tarmac freezing half to death!The tarmac rapidly crumbled into a dirt road shadowing the line of the old Central Pacific Railroad.

of voltage which are performed rapidly during each period by the alternating current.

Thus Dominic was at his death able to contemplate his great creation solidly established, and well launched on its career to preach to the whole world.

fusion pore rapidly closes again releasing the synaptic vesicle back into the cytoplasm.

These died so rapidly in Egypt from pneumonia1 that Mehemet Ali conscripted over 250,000 fellahin, and in so arbitrary a fashion.

The outward and homeward loops cross over in front of the somber Clubhouse, set in an ancient, solidly built sheepfold.

Fowls are kept on all farms and, though methods are still antiquated, trade in fowls and eggs is rapidly increasing.





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