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idealist Meaning in Tamil ( idealist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கருத்தியல் கோட்பாட்டாளர், இலக்கியலாளர்,

idealist தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

டாக்டர் பாட்டீல் ஒரு இலக்கியலாளர்.

idealist's Usage Examples:

The assertion of this principle by Kant was, we have seen, the corner-stone of idealistic philosophy in general, underlying as it does the conception of a permanent subject not less than that of a permanent object.

It is to be monistic ideal realism, like that of Fichte and Hegel; not, however, like theirs idealistic in method, a Phantastisches Begrifsgebaude, but realistic in method, a Wissenschaftliche Philosophie.

1861) also began as a decided realist, and turned to a more psychological and idealist treatment of life.

He was a psychological idealist and a metaphysical realist.

"But the origin of the philosophy of Croce is the need, so keenly felt in our time, of a philosophy that shall be both realistic and idealistic, in which the fact will not drive out thought and thought will not go beyond the fact: in short, of a philosophy of immanence.

He is no intuitionalist; but he is a drily common-sense mind, piling up in heaps the ruinous fragments of an idealist system.

In Great Britain Mach's scepticism was welcomed by Karl Pearson to support an idealistic phenomenalism derived from Hume, and by Ward to support a noumenal idealism derived from Lotze.

Metaphysical idealism is the view that everything known is mind, or some mental state or other, which some idealists suppose to require a substantial soul, others not; while all agree that body has no different being apart from mind.

On Schelling's idealistic pantheism, or the hypothesis that there is nothing but one absolute reason identifying the opposites of subjectivity and objectivity, Hegel based his panlogism.

Lotze's procedure is, indeed, analogous to the way in which, in his philosophy of nature, he starts from a plurality of real beings, but by means of a reductive movement, an application of Kant's transcendental method, arrives at the postulate or fact of a law of their reciprocal action which calls for a monistic and idealist interpretation.

idealistic aspirations, rather than commonsense.


romantic, visionary, Don Quixote, dreamer,


practical, classicist, unloving, dystopian,

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