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iambics Meaning in Tamil ( iambics வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



iambics's Usage Examples:

It is written in rhymeless five-foot iambics, and is altogether a product of the Renaissance, reminding us of some of the productions of George Buchanan.

Nicephorus was also the author of lists of the emperors and patriarchs of Constantinople, of a poem on the capture of Jerusalem, and of a synopsis of the Scriptures, all in iambics; and of commentaries on liturgical poems.

196), in his iambics.

This I phigenie was, however, in prose; in the following year Goethe remoulded it in iambics, but it was not until he went to Rome that the drama finally received the form in which we know it.

; H€pe"ynocs, a gazetteer written in iambics; Hope Necuv, a work on the Homeric catalogue of ships; and a work on etymology ('ETVµoAoyiac).

A description of Greece (150 iambics, in C.

Cicero, though he found fault with the iambics of the Latin comedians generally as abiecti, " prosaic" (Orator, lv.

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