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hops Meaning in Tamil ( hops வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தத்தி நட,

hops தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சுமார் 10 அடி உயரமுள்ள ஒரு மூங்கில் கழியில் சுமார் ஓரடி உயரமுள்ள கணுவுக்கு மேல் சுமார் ஓரடி நீளமுள்ள குறுக்குக் கொம்பு ஒன்றைக் குறுக்காகக் கட்டி அதன்மேல் ஏறிநின்று கைகளால் கழியைப் பற்றிக்கொண்டு தத்தித் தத்தி நடந்து ஆடிக் காட்டுவது.

hops's Usage Examples:

While they are in business to make a sale, the high-end shops rely on good word of mouth and repeat customers, so it behooves them to give you real assistance and help you select the best ties for your look.

Bulgur wheat You can buy easy-to-use finely ground no-cook bulgar wheat in health food shops.

Click on picture to enlarge l Edison commissions 600 tin-foil phonographs from several workshops to circulate for demonstration purposes.

"Plenty of shops, look out for woolens, jewelry, fudges, cheeses and bere bannocks.

As the bishops had helped to free them from subservience to their feudal masters, so the war of investitures relieved them of dependence on their bishops.

It has woollen mills, cotton compresses, clothing, furniture, and spoke and stave factories and machine shops, and is a cotton market.

" Greater causes " came in France to be restricted to criminal prosecutions of bishops.

"Formerly Brazil constituted an ecclesiastical province under the metropolitan jurisdiction of an archbishop residing at Bahia, with 11 suffragan bishops, 12 vicars-general and about 2000 curates.

The Jewish sweatshops of the Leylands became notorious for their overcrowded houses, long hours of work and low pay.

Eutyches was acquitted of heresy and reinstated, Flavianus and other bishops deposed, the Roman legates insulted, and all opposition was overborne by intimidation or actual violence.

The charge of the individual church was entrusted to them and gradually they took the place of the local bishops of earlier days, so that in the 5th and 6th centuries an organization was reached which approximated in general outline to the system which prevails in the Anglican Church to-day.

At the head of the Roman Catholic hierarchy are the archbishops of Scutari (with three suffragans), Prizren and Durazzo; the mitred abbot of St Alexander is the spiritual chief of the Mirdites.

He was given the right to dispense justice, to coin money and to appoint the bishops in Bavaria.


common hops, American hop, common hop, Humulus, genus Humulus, Humulus japonicus, European hop, bine, vine, hop, Humulus lupulus, Humulus americanus, Japanese hop,


stand still,

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