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hoots Meaning in Tamil ( hoots வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


hoots தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆம்ஸ்டர்டாம் நகரில் ஹூட்ஸ் கற்கள் என்ற பெயரில் நீர்மட்டத்தை அளவிடும் கற்கள் வைத்திருந்தனர்.

தற்போது இது ஹூட்ஸ் -டி -ஷைனியில் உள்ளது.

hoots's Usage Examples:

in suitable conditions, as the horticultural practice of propagation by cuttings shows; in nature we see plants spreading by the rooting of their shoots, and buds we know may be freely formed not only on stems but on leaves and on roots.

The young shoots, being flexible and tough, are employed in France as whips.

The great mass of it is confined to the main ranges and their Vegeta- immediate off-shoots, whilst on the more distant and terminal prolongations it is almost entirely absent; in fact, these are naked rock and stone.

The young shoots are also given to oxen in the long winters of those northern latitudes, when other green fodder is hard to obtain.

"POTATO (Solanum tuberosum), a well-known plant which owes its value to the peculiar habit of developing underground slender leafless shoots or branches which differ in character and office from the true roots, and gradually swelling at the free end produce the tubers (potatoes) which are the common vegetable food.

It is occupied by the branches and offshoots of the mountain ranges which separate it from the great plain to the north, and send down their lateral ridges close to the water's edge, leaving only in places a few square miles of level plains at the mouths of the rivers and openings of the valleys.

The present volcanoes lie along a line (with offshoots) which runs parallel to the west coast, but some distance to the east of the fissures from which the early Tertiary lavas were poured.

After the dribbler shoots the ball, have him run straight back to the starting line and tag the next person.

- Montreuil Fan Training then in ordinary practice headed down to five or six buds, and in the following summer from two to four shoots, according to the vigour of the plant, are trained in, the laterals from which, if any, are thinned out and nailed to the wall.

, and this is usually associated with a leaf-like condition of the bracts, and sometimes even with the development of leaf-bearing shoots in place of the scales.

Strong-growing pears, for instance, are grafted on the quince stock in order to restrict their tendency to form " gross " shoots and a superabundance of wood in place of flowers and fruit.

Founders Frank Toskan, a makeup artist and photographer, and Frank Angelo, a businessman, sought to introduce a high-quality cosmetics line that could be used for photo shoots.


let out, pant-hoot, let loose, emit, grunt-hoot, utter,


shout, utility, usefulness, skillfulness, blessed,

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