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honest Meaning in Tamil ( honest வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


யோக்கியமான, நேர்மையான,

honest தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

"ஞான பாதத்துக்கு யோக்கியமான சத்திநிபாதம் பிறந்த ஆன்மாவைத் தேர்ந்த ஆசாரியன், அவனுக்குப் பதி, பசு, பாச உண்மைகளை அருளிச்செய்து, அவன் அறிவில் உள்ள துகளை அறுத்து இசைவிக்கப் பொருந்தின முறைமையைச் சொல்லுகையில், இக் கட்டளை துகளறு போதக் கட்டளை எனப் பேராயிற்று.

சர்வ சக்தியுடையவருமாய் நித்தியருமாய் இருக்கிற இறைவா! முத்திபேறுபெற்ற கன்னித்தாயான மரியாயினுடைய ஆத்துமமும் சரீரம் தூய ஆவியின் அனுக்கிரகத்தினாலே தேவரீருடைய திருமகனுக்கு யோக்கியமான பீடமாயிருக்க ஏற்கனவே நியமித்தருளினீரே.

honest's Usage Examples:

The only defense in that statement was honesty.

Justinian's selections were usually capable, but not so often honest; probably it was hard to find thoroughly upright officials; possibly they would not have been most serviceable in carrying out the imperial will, and especially in replenishing the imperial treasury.

He was not really a politician and was quite gentle and honest for a political stooge.

Do you honestly think there is any way we could have a future?"I'm not hungry," she said honestly, and walked into her room, shutting the door behind her.

"untread let the hero from the start In honest sweat and beats of heart Push on along the untrodden road For some inviolate abode.

King Lear is about a father who has three daughters—two who flatter him, but a third who speaks honestly and bluntly to him because she loves him.

It reflected without exaggeration or literary veneer the faith of the German burgher, his blunt good sense and honesty of purpose.

How dare FNBs cast aspersions in respect of the honesty of Endeavor?Spurred on by his wife the matter reached a climax in 1574, when letters were discovered, which, while revealing a hope to bring over Augustus to Calvinism, cast some aspersions upon the elector and his wife.

While he exuded honesty and sincerity, we barely knew the man.

all ships, persons, things, goods, wares and merchandise"; also "to enquire by the oaths of honest and lawful men.

The officials are not well paid, and are certainly numerous; while the manifold checks and counterchecks have by no means always been sufficient to prevent dishonesty.

"Mr Roosevelt not only attacked dishonesty in public affairs but in private business as welt, asserting that "malefactors of great wealth" endeavour to control legislation so as to increase the profits of monopolies or "trusts," and that to prevent such control it is necessary to extend the powers of the federal government.

I feel like I'm going a bit bonkers to be honest!The Ice Lady of the Parkside Sentinel went bonkers.


trustworthy, square, ingenuous, genuine, direct, true, straight, honorable, trusty, honourable, downright, artless, sincere, echt,


disingenuous, crooked, indirect, untrustworthy, false, insincere, dishonest, counterfeit,

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