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homosporous Meaning in Tamil ( homosporous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


homosporous's Usage Examples:

The spores in the sporangia have been found in a germinating condition; the stages of germination correspond closely with those observed in recent homosporous ferns (fig.

The Lycopodiaceae are homosporous.

The Ophioglossaceae are homosporous, and the prothalli, which are known in species of all three genera, are subterranean and saprophytic (fig.

No homosporous Lycopoditeae have as yet been recognized.

That these three sterile segments, with their sporangiophores, are together comparable to one of the bracts of Sphenophyllum, with its sporangiophores, is shown by the vascular supply in each case being derived from a single leaf-trace, So far as is at present known, the Sphenophyllales were homosporous.

Binneyana, numerous specimens have been examined and only one kind of spore observed; here, then, there is a strong presumption that the species was homosporous.

The spores of the homosporous Vascular Cryptogams are usually of small size; the prothalli produced from them usually bear both antheridia and archegonia, though under special conditions an imperfect sexual differentiation may result.

It is very doubtful whether any homosporous Lepidostrobi existed, but there is reason to believe that here, as in the closely allied Lepidocarpon, microsporangia and megasporangia were in some cases borne on different strobili.

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