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homograph Meaning in Tamil ( homograph வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



homograph's Usage Examples:

It arises in the estimation of entities such as the fundamental matrix, homography matrix, and the trifocal tensor, among others.

The theorem of duality is considered and developed, but chiefly in regard to its metrical applications, by Michel Chasles in the Memoire de geometrie sur deux principes generaux de la science, la dualite et l'homographie, which forms a sequel to the Apercu historique l'origine t.

The concept of a homonym is often confused or used interchangably with that of a homophone or homograph.

A method of generating conics essentially the same as our modern method of homographic pencils was discussed by Jan de Witt in his Elementa linearum curvarum (1650); but he treated the curves by the Cartesian method, and not synthetically.

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