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homiletical Meaning in Tamil ( homiletical வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

செவியறிவுநுலினைச் சார்ந்த

homiletical's Usage Examples:

) also contain halaka, but the chief contents are haggadic and homiletical.

Rashbam adopts a natural (as distinct from a homiletical and traditional) method; thus (in agreement with the modern school) Rashbam (on Gen.

(3) Expository and homiletical works, including the Hexaemeron, and several series of discourses On the Workmanship of Man, On the Inscriptions of the Psalms, On the Sixth Psalm, On the first three Chapters of Ecclesiastes, On Canticles, On the Lord's Prayer and On the Eight Beatitudes.

He is even more discursive and more homiletical in style; he adds fresh citations of the Scriptures, and additional explanations and moral reflexions; and all this with so little judgment that he often leaves confusion worse confounded (e.

"Many of his general exhortations are but very indirectly connected with the practical issue to which the epistle is directed, and it is very probable that he was drawing largely upon the homiletical material with which he was accustomed to edify his fellow-Christians at Rome.

Many of his general exhortations are but very indirectly connected with the practical issue to which the epistle is directed, and it is very probable that he was drawing largely upon the homiletical material with which he was accustomed to edify his fellow-Christians at Rome.

It is unmethodical and badly digested, homiletical in style, and abounding in biblical quotations.

the homiletical exposition of the text, with illustrations designed to make it more attractive to the readers or hearer.

His lectures and addresses had the spirit if not the form of his sermons, just as his sermons were singularly free from the homiletical tone.

) The works of Huss are usually classed under four heads: the dogmatical and polemical, the homiletical, the exegetical and the epistolary.

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