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hogen Meaning in Tamil ( hogen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hogen's Usage Examples:

Enteral tube feeding diarrhea: Pathogenesis and the role of the colonic microflora.

Similarly with regard to the many other pathogenic Trypanosomes now known, there is undoubtedly, in each case, some indigenous wild animal tolerant of that particular form, which serves as a " latent source of supply " to strange mammals.

teratogen in the rat, but is highly dysmorphogenic in the rabbit.

fungal pathogen from entering through plant roots.

unclassified on the profit ' loss by class report?Missense mutation analysis This project is investigating the application of bioinformatic tools to determine the pathogenicity of unclassified missense mutations.

"An Evolutionary Analysis of the Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Juvenile-Onset Myopia.

(1982) ' pathogenic anaerobes ' Archives of Internal Medicine, 142: 1988-1992.

avirulent pathogen was similar except their extent being affection.

My research interest is in the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis.

pathogenesis experiment have now shown dorsal root ganglia to carry high infectivity (see vol.

Listeria-An uncommon food-borne, life-threatening pathogen that can cause perinatal infection, which is associated with a high rate of fetal loss (including full-term stillbirths) and serious neonatal disease.

But for various reasons this was an inexact method, and to-day an antiseptic is judged by its effects on pure cultures of definite pathogenic microbes, and on their vegetative and spore forms.

Bacterial pneumonia develops after the child inhales or aspirates pathogens.

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