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hoddy Meaning in Tamil ( hoddy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




hoddy தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

37||1554||4030||1917||Soddy, Cranston and Hahn.

குலக்கோட்பாடு அணுக்கருவியலில் கதிரியக்க இடப்பெயர்ச்சி விதி (law of radioactive displacements) அல்லது பாஜன்சு-சாடி விதி (Fajans and Soddy law) என்பது கதிரியக்கத்தின் போது தனிமங்களின் அணுக்கரு மாற்றம் நிகழவை வரையறுக்கும் விதி ஆகும்.

வேதியியல் - Frederick Soddy.

பிரெடரிக் சோடி (Frederick Soddy) என்பவர் ரூதர்போர்டுடன் சேர்ந்து ரேடியக் கதிரியக்கச் சிதைவைப் பற்றி ஆராய்ச்சி செய்தார்.

hoddy's Usage Examples:

In Sybil were exhibited the social relations of rich and poor (the "two nations") under this regime, and under changes in which, while the peasantry were neglected by a shoddy aristocracy ignorant of its duties, factory life and a purblind gospel of political economy imbruted the rest of the population.

shoddy construction are often a primary cause of death and serious injury.

Also I am totally flabbergasted that SCCC would accept this shoddy piece of programming which could cost them dearly in terms of lost subscriptions.

Shoddy apartments and an image in the mirror of a dirty toddler in a diaper.

The people became more and more impoverished and degraded, a new and shoddy nobility was created and granted wide privileges, and art and letters declined.

In short Slovenia makes much of " western " Europe look shoddy!secession of Slovenia by force, but failed.

The set looks shoddy (too much wood paneling - did Noel specifically state he wanted nothing hi-tech or shiny?groove paneling painted in duck egg blue and team with retro accessories.

The textile industries (the making of carpets and rugs, cotton goods, cotton smallwares, dyeing and finishing textiles, felt goods, felt hats, hosiery and knit goods, shoddy, silk and silk goods, woollen goods, and worsted goods), employed 32.

The chief industries are the manufacture of railway plant, cloth, wool, soap, shoddy, furniture, bricks and cement.

Untold hours of do-it-yourself-manship and emer­gency repair had finally overcome poor septic design and general­ly shoddy workmanship to create communities of adequate com­fort and living.

Cleveland is the headquarters of the largest shoddy mills in the country (value of product, 1905, " 1, 0 84,594), makes much clothing (1905, " 10, 4 26, 535), manu factures a large portion of the chewing gum made in the United States, and is the site of one of the largest refineries of the Standard Oil Company.

If you are looking for a professional real estate inspector, Illinois state licensing laws will go a long way to protect you against shoddy quality and less-than stellar professionalism.

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