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hiker Meaning in Tamil ( hiker வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நெடுந்தொலைவு நடப்பவர்,

hiker தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


hiker's Usage Examples:

ideal stopover for hikers on the West Highland Way.

hiker those seeking more outdoor pursuits there is everything from scuba diving to horseback riding, deep sea fishing and hiking through the rainforest.

Unlike other regional folklore with legends of ghostly hitchhikers, the ghost of Blue Bell Hill comes with supporting historical evidence and witness accounts.

Mountain bikers, rock climbers and hikers can take advantage of the mountain peaks.

In a typical scenario, people driving through the area pick up a female hitchhiker who reportedly wears formal attire, a shawl, dancing shoes and holds a clutch purse.

What is the name of the ' paranoid android ' in Douglas Adams's ' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?Most hitchhikers don't care where they go, as long as they can get there fast.

Vegetarian hikers enjoy the many meat-free selections at this restaurant.

Dafoe is best known for numerous movie appearances in films like Speed 2, Boondock Saints, Off Limits, The Hitchhiker, To Live and Die in LA and Cry Baby.

Dean cautioned Pumpkin to keep his hand on his wallet, but the young hiker dismissed the advice with a wave of his hand.

The hiker's muscles were achy after the long hike up the mountain.

hitch hiker 's probably should never have been made into a film.

This is one reason hooded parkas are the jacket of choice for skiers, hikers or just for day-to-day activities like sitting in the stands at your son's football game or going for a walk on a blustery day.


tramper, walker, packer, pedestrian, footer, tramp, backpacker,


interesting, driver, ride, stay in place,

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