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hexameters Meaning in Tamil ( hexameters வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆறு சீர் செய்யுளடி,

hexameters's Usage Examples:

In this work he included his most famous productions, ioi riddles in Latin hexameters.

Meanwhile the reactionaries of Vienna were goading the Magyar Liberals into revolt, and Arany found a safety-valve for his growing indignation by composing a satirical poem in hexameters, entitled "The Lost Constitution.

Most of the satires of Lucilius were written in hexameters, but, so far as an opinion can be formed from a number of unconnected fragments, he seems to have written the trochaic tetrameter with a smoothness, clearness and simplicity which he never attained in handling the hexameter.

Did he take a didactic approach?In 1536 his didactic poem in Latin hexameters, De immortalitate animarum, was published at Lyons.

An extant poem (70 hexameters) also bears her name.

But the only specimen of his work that has come down to us is the translation in Latin hexameters (generally attributed to him, although some consider Domitian the author), together with scholia, of the Phaenomena of Aratus, which is superior to those of Cicero and Avienus (best edition by A.

The labour and expense of passing this great work through the press devolved upon Halley, who also wrote the prefixed hexameters ending with the well-known line Nec fas est propius mortali attingere divos.

Twenty-six trochaic tetrameters, De qualitate vitae, and five graceful hexameters, De rosis, are also attributed to him.

A few hexameters by him on the twelve signs of the Zodiac are quoted by Ausonius.

His master, Buraeus, had written a few Swedish hexameters by way of experiment.

An equally popular writer was Gilles de Corbeil (Aegidius Corboliensis), at one time a teacher at Salerno, afterwards court physician to Philip Augustus of France, who composed several poems in Latin hexameters on medical subjects.

His grand but obscure hexameters, after the example of Parmenides, delighted Lucretius.

In the same century the monastery of Gandersheim, south of Hanover, was the retreat of the learned nun Hroswitha, who celebrated the exploits of Otho in leonine hexameters, and composed in prose six moral and religious plays in imitation of Terence.

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