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her Meaning in Tamil ( her வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



her's Usage Examples:

"The duchess, herself aggrieved by the dictatorial manners of the cardinal, likewise urged upon her brother the necessity of the retirement of the unpopular minister.

They have blacksmiths, coppersmiths and goldsmiths among them, besides carpenters, barbers and other artisans.

There is little evidence of the imposition of fines as ecclesiastical penalties; but there are references to the practice in the epistles of St Gregory the Great, notably in his instructions to St Augustine.

Its importance lies mainly in its simple, popular summarization of the doctrine of Augustine(whose works Gregory had studied with infinite care, but not always with insight), and in its detailed exposition of various religious conceptions which were current in the Western Church, but had not hitherto been defined with precision (e.

Among his other numerous works may be mentioned Les Plus anciens monuments de la langue francaise (1875); a Manuel d'ancien Frangais (1888); an edition of the Mystere de la passion d'Arnoul Greban (1878), in collaboration with M.

This is due to intense engorgement of the vessels brought about through these minute existing collateral channels and results in a peripheral congested zone round the infarct.

While Julie remained drugged and sleeping, she was out of immediate danger and the prognosis for recovery, absent infection or other complications, appeared positive.

Instead of using canola oil, you can use safflower or corn oil (corn oil gives a richer, more buttery taste ).

His thighs rested against hers and extended well beyond hers.

Suns, she corrected herself with a small smile.

Another 20,000 are being drip fed mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals from their tube wells, whilst Dow refuses to clean up.

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