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helot Meaning in Tamil ( helot வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

அடிமை வகுப்பினர்

helot தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஐரோப்பிய நிலப்பிரபுத்துவம், அடிமை வகுப்பினர் போன்ற பாரம்பரியமிக்க சமூகங்கள் "வேலைவாய்ப்பில்லாமல்" இருப்பதில்லை.

helot's Usage Examples:

Berthelot gives reproductions of the British Museum MSS.

But side by side with this literary transmission Berthelot insists that there was another mode of transmission, by means of the knowledge of practical receipts and processes traditional among jewellers, painters, workers in glass and pottery, and other handicraftsmen.

The helots were state slaves bound to the soil- adscripti glebae - and assigned to individual Spartiates to till their holdings (icXi pot); their masters could neither emancipate them nor sell them off the land, and they were under an oath not to raise the rent payable yearly in kind by the helots.

Berthelot, " alchemy rested partly on the industrial processes of the ancient Egyptians, partly on the speculative theories of the Greek philosophers, and partly on the mystical reveries of the Gnostics and Alexandrians.

Berthelot began (in 1873) a long series of thermochemical determinations.

Cesare's position was greatly shaken, and when he tried to browbeat the cardinals by means of Don Michelotto and his bravos, they refused to be intimidated; he had to leave Rome in September, trusting that the Spanish cardinals would elect a candidate friendly to his house.

Berthelot, who examined the skull, found no trace of injury by a bullet; and on the whole there is no reason to doubt the verdict of the original inquiry at Ermenonville.

To withstand the chemical action of the gases, the " calorimetric bomb " is lined either with platinum, as in Berthelot's apparatus, or with porcelain, as in Mahler's.

Berthelot, La Revolution chimique: Lavoisier (1890), which contains an analysis of and extracts from his laboratory notebooks.

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