heath Meaning in Tamil ( heath வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
ஒரு வகைப் புதர்ச் செடி, சாகுபடிக்கு உதவாத தரிசு நிலம்,
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heath's Usage Examples:
Equisetites columnaris, a common fossil in the Jurassic plant-beds of the Yorkshire coast, represents another type with relatively stout and occasionally branched vegetative shoots, bearing leaf-sheaths very like those of Equisetum maximum and other Horsetails.
The greater part of Hanover is a plain with sandhills, heath and moor.
) The colourless character of these ceremonies is plainly due to the fact that they are nothing more than expurgated heathen rites.
The offender is only treated as a heathen and publican when the purity and safety of the church demand it.
fritillarywith the white admiral but caught up with a group of 5 heath fritillaries and several hoverflies.
Food Possible heath benefits being studied The most nutritious way to serve tis food Tomatoes The carotenoid lycopene.
Rodmar, for the sake of the treasure, was slain by his sons Fafnir and Regin; and Fafnir, seizing the whole, retired to a desolate heath and, in the form of a snake or dragon, brooded over the hoard.
"The book contains expressions such as daemones, angelica virtus, and purgatoria dementia, which have been thought to be derived from the Christian faith; but they are used in a heathen sense, and are explained sufficiently by the circumstance that Boetius was on intimate terms with Christians.
This doesn't mean black-tie formal, but the breezy sheath that would have been appropriate for the afternoon setting should be replaced by a longer hemline and, in general, more coverage.
So great was the shock that for the rest of his life he spent most of his time at a villa at St Veran, near Avignon, returning to his Blackheath residence only for a short period in each year.
(1150-1160) organized the Swedish Church on the model prevalent elsewhere, and undertook a crusade against the heathen Finlanders, which marks the beginning of Sweden's overseas dominion.
In the same year the admiralty consulted the Royal Society as to a means of preserving the copper sheathing of ships from corrosion and keeping it smooth, and he suggested that the copper would be preserved if it were rendered negatively electrical, as would be done by fixing "protectors" of zinc to the sheeting.
waste, heathland, barren, wasteland,
hospitable, existent, colorlessness, superior, fauna,