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hear Meaning in Tamil ( hear வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hear's Usage Examples:

During the last few years attention has been directed to the stresses - including shearing stresses - on planes other than horizontal.

He, too, has heard of Homer, and, "if it were not for books," would "not know what to do rainy days," though perhaps he has not read one wholly through for many rainy seasons.

All over the world shearwaters seem to have precisely the same habits, laying their single purely white egg in a hole under ground.

I have been driving a hearse for the last 25 years " .

Like Marshal Concha, marquis del Duero, he would have preferred to let events develop enough to allow of the dynasty being restored without force of arms, and he severely blamed the conduct of the generals when he first heard of the pronunciamiento of Marshal Campos at Sagunto.

malleable nature of Time, I'd even reccommend this to someone who'd never heard of the Hitchhikers Guide before.

We hear also a good deal of witches and valkyries, and of charms and magic; as an instance we may cite the fact that certain (Runic) letters were credited, as in the North, with the power of loosening bonds.

It produces a rapid, low-pitched form of stridor that may be heard when a baby inhales.

It may be necessary to cut out a small trench in front of the constructional hearth to allow the air pipe to be fitted.

Now that Molly had confessed more knowledge than any of us suspected, I felt obligated to tell Martha the full story before she learned it from overheard conversation or from Molly directly.

She heard voices in the dining room, one distinctly male.


comprehend, catch, take in, overhear, get, perceive,


literalize, disrespect, exclude, esteem, disesteem,

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