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hammering Meaning in Tamil ( hammering வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hammering's Usage Examples:

Some hammering would be required to pass the constriction.

He appeared to be alone, and she took a deep breath to still her hammering heart before emerging into the small clearing lit by the moon.

These were worked by casting and hammering, and ornamented by inlay, gilding and enamels with the greatest possible skill.

Forging proceeds by beating or squeezing the piece under treatment from its initial into its final shape, as for instance by hammering a square ingot or bloom first on one corner and then on another until it is reduced to a cylindrical shape as shown at A in fig.

and his casualties from first to last had been unprecedentedly heavy, but "hammering" was steadily prevailing where skill and valour had failed.

Then using a ball pein hammer, form the end of the rivet by carefully hammering to mushroom it out.

Her heart was hammering at his casual declaration.

These flutes have to be obliterated by another series of hammerings termed razing.

Heart hammering, Lana rose to her tiptoes and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

"Wait!" cried Dolokhov, hammering with the bottle on the window sill to attract attention.

By repeated hammering and polishing the expert obtains such control of the wood-grain pattern that its sinuosities and eddies seem to have developed symmetry without losing anything of their fantastic grace.

Jenn shook her thoughts away, her heart hammering with both anticipation of seeing him again and fear.


pound, blow, hammer, pounding,


come, stay in place, inhale, understate, succeed,

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