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hamble Meaning in Tamil ( hamble வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விநயமுள்ள, அடக்கமுள்ள, தாழ்ந்த, பணிவான,

hamble's Usage Examples:

Is Britney's mental state in such shambles that her father finds it in her best interest to control where she is spending her money?Here the barns, granaries, stables, shambles, workshops and workmen's lodgings were placed, without any regard to symmetry, convenience being the only consideration.

shamble 90 minutes of shambling around in similar fashion we were nearly done for the day.

shamblethe gorilla runs with a sidelong shambling gait, but more commonly progresses by resting on its bent hands.

By the time World War II ended, the Royal Asscher Company was left in shambles.

There are now public shambles for the sale of their flesh in all parts of Peru, which was not the case when the Spaniards came first; for when one Indian had killed a sheep his neighbours came and took what they wanted, and then another Indian killed a sheep in his turn.

shambled out of the bus into the darkness.

The shepherds (rulers) of the nation make their flock an article of trade and treat the sheep as sheep for the shambles.

Tally ho both, and please tell us that you definitely wo n't be at home to Mr Cockup !tally ho both, and please tell us that you definitely won't be at home to Mr Cockup!The handling of FMD must have been a cockup, or more precisely a total bloody shambles.

shamblehat's the whole problem with this game, it is mediocre at best and at worst a shambling wreck of a game.

Most of the eastern seaboard is in shambles.

We arrived at Old Bridge of Tilt shortly after 02:00, and the weary zombie-like travelers shambled out of the bus into the darkness.

"This former lead singer of Hole and widow to the late Kurt Cobain is a complete train wreck, so it really comes as no surprise that her finances are in shambles as well.

Here the barns, granaries, stables, shambles, workshops and workmen's lodgings were placed, without any regard to symmetry, convenience being the only consideration.

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