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halides Meaning in Tamil ( halides வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



halides தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஐதரசன் ஆலைடு உப்பினம் .

* சுவை (Taste): தாதுக்கள் பெரும்பாலும் ஹாலைடு (உப்பினம்) பண்பான உப்புச்சுவையுடன் உள்ளன.

halides's Usage Examples:

The atomic weight of silicon has been determined usually by analysis of the halide compounds or by conversion of the halides into silica.

The older methods used for the preparation of the amorphous form, namely the decomposition of silicon halides or silicofluorides by the alkali metals, or of silica by magnesium, do not give good results, since' the silicon obtained is always contaminated with various impurities, but a pure variety may be prepared according to E.

1663) by condensing silicon halides with alkyl chlorides in the presence of sodium: SiC14-1-4R Cl+8Na SiR 4 +8NaCI; SiHC1 3 +3R.

A characteristic property of the alkaline fluorides is their power of combining with a molecule of hydrofluoric acid and with the fluorides of the more electro-negative elements to form double fluorides, a behaviour not shown by other metallic halides.

With unsaturated alkyl halides the products are only slightly soluble in ether, and two molecules of the alkyl compound are brought into the reaction.

Many of the earlier-known silicon alkyl compounds were isolated by Friedel and Crafts and by Ladenburg, the method adopted consisting in the interaction of the zinc alkyl compounds with silicon halides or esters of silicic acids.

The mixed tertiary amines are produced by the action of alkyl halides on the primary amines.

123) 2CH 2 :CH CH 2 OH+2NH 3 Na CH,:CH CH3+CH2:CH CH20Na +NaOH+2NH31 from the lower members of the series by heating them with alkyl halides in the presence of lead oxide or lime: C5H,9-I-2CH31 2H1+ C 7 H, 4 i and by the action of the zinc alkyls upon the halogen substituted olefines.

15) has used silicon halides with the Grignard reagent: C2H,MgBr(+SiC14)-C2HiSiC13(-1-MgBrPh)--> Ph C 2 H 1.

It is a most important synthetic reagent; with sodium or sodium ethylate it forms sodio-malonic ester, which reacts readily with alkyl halides, forming alkyl malonic esters, which are again capable of forming sodium derivatives, that by further treatment with alkyl halides yield the di-alkyl malonic esters.

The N-derivatives are prepared by the action of alkyl halides and acid chlorides on potassium pyrrol.

Ammonia gas has the power of combining with many substances, particularly with metallic halides; thus with calcium chloride it forms the compound CaCl 2.

Ph C 2 H 1.

It is a most important synthetic reagent; with sodium or sodium ethylate it forms sodio-malonic ester, which reacts readily with alkyl halides, forming alkyl malonic esters, which are again capable of forming sodium derivatives, that by further treatment with alkyl halides yield the di-alkyl malonic esters.

The N-derivatives are prepared by the action of alkyl halides and acid chlorides on potassium pyrrol.

Ammonia gas has the power of combining with many substances, particularly with metallic halides; thus with calcium chloride it forms the compound CaCl 2.



salt, chloride, iodide, fluoride, bromide, tetrahalide,



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