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haem Meaning in Tamil ( haem வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

குருதிச்சிவப்பு வண்ணப்பொருள்

haem's Usage Examples:

Quinine is much less efficacious in the treatment of post-malarial symptoms, such as neuralgia and haematuria, when no parasites can be detected in the blood.

It is very poisonous, uniting with the haemoglobin of the blood to form carbonyl-haemoglobin.

After its long quiescence under the Arsacids native art underwent a general renaissance, which, though not aspiring to the Achaemenian creations, was still of no small importance.

Binding of the Fe atom to the haem involves the 4 N of the pyrrole rings.

As the blood gushed out he lapped it up; and instead of suffering the fatal weakness which might have been expected from the haemorrhage, he seems to have done well.

Haemostatic mechanisms control blood flow by regulating platelet adherence and fibrin deposition and various haemostatic proteins have been shown to regulate angiogenesis.

A hooded snake (Naja haemachates), the imfezi of the natives, is dangerous, and spits or ejects its poison; besides this there are a few other varieties of the cobra species.

There may be haemorrhage from these vessels into the tissues.

Kidney haemorrhage and albuminuria is a constant symptom.

- Flagellates, in the great majority of instances haemal parasites, derived from a biflagellate, Bodo-like type, in which the posteriorly-directed (trailing) flagellum is always present and attached to the body by an undulating membrane, of which it constitutes the thickened edge.

corpus luteum cyst and a haemorrhagic cyst can cause pain, most will resolve spontaneously with no treatment.

Parthia became a province of the Achaemenian and then of the Macedonian Empire.

They thus act locally as haemostatics or styptics, and will often arrest severe haemorrhage from parts which are accessible, such as the nose.


heme, protoheme, cytochrome, hemoglobin, haemitin, haemoglobin, myoglobin, pigment, Hb, hematin,



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