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gunboat Meaning in Tamil ( gunboat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பீரங்கி ஏற்றிச் செல்லும் கப்பல்,

gunboat தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


gunboat's Usage Examples:

Turkey was indeed too much occupied by the war with Russia to pay much attention to Arab affairs, though a few years later she attempted to occupy Bahrein by a coup de main, which was only frustrated by the action of a British gunboat.

The Annual describes 21 vessels of various types, and mentions 23 small gunboats used for river and harbour service.

This success opened up the lower Mississippi at the same time as the armies of the west began to move down that river under Grant, who was always accompanied by the gunboat flotilla which had been created on the upper waters in 1861.

The navy in 1906 consisted of only three small cruisers on the Caribbean coast, and two cruisers, two gunboats, one troopship and two steam launches on the Pacific.

There they were attacked by the gunboats and Kitcheners artillery from the opposite bank, and forced to retire, with their commander, Wad Bishara, seriously wounded.

"Besides the gunboat in the river, he has a guard of sepoys, and there is an Indian post-office in the residency.

Torpedo gunboats - 13 - -As to the number of vessels, which fluctuates from month to month, little can be said that is wholly accurate at any given moment, but, very roughly, the French navy in 1909 included 25 battleships, 7 coast defence ironclads, 19 armoured cruisers, 36 protected cruisers, 22 s1oops, gunboats, 'c.

- The opposing forces now in the field numbered 190,000 Unionists and half that number of Confederates; sixty-nine warships flew the Stars and Stripes and a number of improvised ironclads and gunboats the rival "Stars and Bars.

A large number of these boats were constructed and they afforded some protection to coasting vessels against privateers, but in bad weather, or when employed against a frigate, they were worse than useless, and Jefferson's "gunboat system" was admittedly a failure.

In response, Mr Fraser, one of the Free State delegates, remarked that a harbour requires forts, soldiers, ships and sailors to man them, or else it would be at the mercy of the first gunboat that happened to assail it.

Modern battleships - 4 4 3As to the number of vessels, which fluctuates from month to month, little can be said that is wholly accurate at any given moment, but, very roughly, the French navy in 1909 included 25 battleships, 7 coast defence ironclads, 19 armoured cruisers, 36 protected cruisers, 22 s1oops, gunboats, 'c.

flotilla of gunboats under Commander Cecil Colville, whom Beatty met on the Alexandra.





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