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grisly Meaning in Tamil ( grisly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பயமூட்டும், பயங்கரமான,

grisly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பயமூட்டும் புதினமான பிராங்கென்ஸ்டைனை எழுதியவர்.

grisly's Usage Examples:

There were a number of extremely grisly black and white photographs.

Pulling gloves and a bag from his pocket, he proceeded to collect the grisly specimen.

Nearly every culture on the planet, in one form or another, has a myth about a man that can turn into a grisly beast - the Werewolf.

In the main island the black bear (kuma, Ursusjaponicus) alone has its habitation, but the island of Yezo has the great brown bear (called shi-guma, oki-kuma or aka-kuma), the grisly of North America.

As he lifted the grisly pair high to admire, the wind tugged his hat off, slinging it on the sand a few feet away.

It is difficult, moreover, not to connect the repeated wall-paintings and reliefs of the palace illustrating the cruel bull sports of the Minoan arena, in which girls as well as youths took part, with the legend of the Minotaur, or bull of Minos, for whose grisly meals Athens was forced to pay annual tribute of her sons and daughters.

It is true that childsacrifice in connexion with fire prevailed among the Phoenicians, and, according to the Greeks, the deity honoured with these grisly rites was Kronos (identified with the Phoenician El, "God").

He is described as a grisly monster with a hundred dragons' heads, who was conquered and cast into Tartarus by Zeus.

Lydia staggered to her feet and joined them, leaving the grisly sight behind.

grisly tales will send you into shivers.

It is unnecessary to refer more fully to the evidence for former human sacrifice or to the popular stories and grim superstitions which indicate its persistence; the grisly custom of our ancestors has been attested by comparatively recent observation in Mexico, Peru, Fiji and W.

The grisly scene leading to the condos likely dissuaded anyone from visiting, she rationalized.


gruesome, alarming, grim, macabre, ghastly, sick,


keep down, fit, well, healthy, unalarming,

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