<< griping gripped >>

grippe Meaning in Tamil ( grippe வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பெருஞ் சளிக்காய்ச்சல்

grippe's Usage Examples:

He gripped her neck and tilted her head.

Pearl 's father embodies the bitterness and disorientation that gripped Southern slaveholders forced to come to grips with Sherman 's powerful onslaught.

This blow is often sufficient to dislodge the limpet, failing this the shell is gripped in the bill and prised off.

When a Christmas waltz began, a warm hand gripped her elbow.

A strong hand gripped her shoulder.

She gripped the handle of the axe more tightly, hands clammy.

She'd almost managed to return to the zone when Darian gripped the chain at the top of the punching bag, stabilizing it before her and disrupting the swaying rhythm.

He ceased walking and gripped her by both arms, maneuvering her to stand before him.

A strong hand gripped her elbow.

Most designs available today are equipped with coupled, non-controllable gripper jaws which are only able to open or close.

Cynthia gripped her husband's hand in a circulation-stopping grip as a deep dip bounced them to the ground.

He took the lighted pipe that was offered to him, gripped it in his fist, and tapped it on the floor, making the sparks fly, while he continued to shout.

Her stomach rolled a warning as nausea gripped her middle.

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