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grinds Meaning in Tamil ( grinds வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மாவாக்கு, அரை,

grinds தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த மாவிளக்கிற்கான மாவை பக்தர்கள் அவரவர் வீடுகளிலிருந்து கொண்டுவரும் அரிசியை இங்கு தண்ணீரில் ஊறவைத்து, அதற்கென்றே வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள உரல்களில் இடித்து மாவாக்குகிறார்கள்.

பாச்சர்முறை, அடர்த்தியாக்கல், ஆவியாக்கல் , உறைய வைத்தல், உலர்த்தி மாவாக்குதல் உள்ளிட்ட பல முறைகள் சாறுகளைப் பதப்படுத்தப் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன.

grinds's Usage Examples:

Other methods used to make coffee include percolators, which use nearly an identical method but with a metal filter basket in lieu of the paper-lined basket, and stovetop perked coffee that also passes hot water up and over coffee grinds.

Did you know coffee grinds are great for deterring slugs?It's that pesky little hourglass that pops-up whenever my PC grinds to a halt.

Some light grey sandstone found in Rocky Canon, Gallatin county, looks much like the Berea (Ohio) sandstone; and a sandstone quarried at Columbus, Yellowstone county, was manufactured into grindstones equal to those made from the Berea stone.

Extensive coal mines exist in the vicinity; and at Gateshead Fell are large quarries for grindstones, which are much esteemed and are exported to all parts of the world.

Among the most dangerous of the last class (the pneumokonioses) is perhaps that in which the dust particles take the form of finely divided freestone, as in stone-dressing and the dry-polishing on the grindstone of steel.

From the Ohio sandstone known as Berea grit a very large portion of the country's grindstones and pulpstones has been obtained; in 1908 the value of Ohio's output of these stones was "482,128.

The process is very similar to the way that the sea and sand grinds and smooths pebbles.

The day had arrived with more bumps and grinds than a burlesque matron.

Today there are three water wheels driving large tilt hammers and grindstones.

On mere inspection, their rudeness, their unsuitability for being hafted, and the absence of shaping and edging by the grindstone, mark their inferiority to the Neolithic implements.

The mineral wealth of Ohio consists largely of bituminous coal and petroleum, but the state also ranks high in the production of natural gas, sandstone, limestone, grindstone, lime and gypsum.

For those you more interested in kickflips, grinds, and other "street" tricks, a narrower board will make it easier for you to perform those more technical tricks.

I use that as an example of the possibilities of compounded interest, and how it just grinds you down on the other end - all that potential savings being lost to debt.


press, cranch, crunch, craunch,


singular, type, antitype, ill health, unfitness,

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