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greenshank Meaning in Tamil ( greenshank வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


greenshank தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆபத்தான ஆபத்தான ஸ்பூன்-பில்ட் சாண்ட்பைப்பர் மற்றும் கிரேட் நாட், நோர்ட்மேனின் கிரீன்ஷாங்க் மற்றும் தூர கிழக்கு சுருள் உள்ளிட்ட பல வழக்கமான பறவைகள் அச்சுறுத்தலுக்கு உள்ளாகியுள்ளன.

greenshank's Usage Examples:

This is the first wintering greenshank for at least six years.

Waders present included greenshank, green and wood sandpiper and snipe as well as eight black-tailed godwits on the ARC pit.

The greenshank is a native of the northern parts of the Old World, but in winter it wanders far to the south, and occurs regularly at the Cape of Good Hope, in India and thence throughout the Indo-Malay Archipelago to Australia.

We stopped at the swallow hole as we left the plateau and saw a single greenshank there.

Immediately south of Newquay, the long pointing finger of the Gannel estuary is home to over 5,000 birds, including godwits and greenshanks.

Two ponds attract wild fowl and migrating waders including shelduck, greenshank and sandpiper.

The shallow water and islands are attractive to wading birds on migration, such as greenshank, spotted redshank and green sandpiper.

melanoleucus, there called willets, telltales or tattlers, which in general habits resemble the greenshank of the Old World.

Here they are joined by returning Snipe, Lapwings and a few greenshanks - one of Sutherland's specialities.

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