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greatcoat Meaning in Tamil ( greatcoat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


greatcoat's Usage Examples:

, in winter; the yapanjah, or woollen Kurdish cloak, a kind of felt, having a shaggy side, of immense thickness, worn generally by shepherds, who use it as greatcoat, bed and bedding.

The soldiers surrounded the Frenchmen, spread a greatcoat on the ground for the sick man, and brought some buckwheat porridge and vodka for both of them.

But at that instant a tall Austrian general in a greatcoat, with the order of Maria Theresa on his neck and a black bandage round his head, who had evidently just arrived, entered quickly, slamming the door.

Behind them along the narrow, sodden, cutup forest road came hussars in threes and fours, and then Cossacks: some in felt cloaks, some in French greatcoats, and some with horsecloths over their heads.

The soldiers in their greatcoats were ranged in lines, the sergeants major and company officers were counting the men, poking the last man in each section in the ribs and telling him to hold his hand up.

Dolokhov, who had already changed into a soldier's gray greatcoat, did not wait to be called.

I am going to say in God's name get greatcoats for the winter is coming and you might catch cold.

There Platon Karataev was sitting covered up--head and all--with his greatcoat as if it were a vestment, telling the soldiers in his effective and pleasant though now feeble voice a story Pierre knew.

" a soldier whose greatcoat was well tucked up said gaily, with a wide swing of his arm.

There are many army greatcoats, fur or leather jackets, revolvers on belts.

They split up the wood, pressed it down on the fire, blew at it with their mouths, and fanned it with the skirts of their greatcoats, making the flames hiss and crackle.

No one replied a word to Dolokhov's laughter, and a French officer whom they could not see (he lay wrapped in a greatcoat) rose and whispered something to a companion.

greatcoats for the winter is coming and you might catch cold.


topcoat, ulster, chesterfield, capote, coat, surtout, hooded coat, overcoat,


undress, undergarment, uncover,

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