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gravestone Meaning in Tamil ( gravestone வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



gravestone's Usage Examples:

Here is the gravestone of the wife of Dr Johnson.

(ga 2 /2b); or if the height of the centre of gravity of a column like a gravestone above the base on which it rests is y, and x is the horizontal distance of this centre from the edge over which it has turned, then the acceleration or suddenness of motion which caused its overthrow is measured, as pointed out by C.

Their common gravestone is in existence at the present day, bearing date July 11, 1759.

of the first settlement; almost the only visible remains, however, were the tower of the brick church and a few gravestones.

craftsmanre carved by the Aboriginal craftsmen to represent the souls of the dead - markers that are equivalent to our gravestones.

Do you have a gravestone in need of cleaning?Personalizing a gravestone with headstone phrases or epitaphs will add a special touch to the final resting place of your loved one.

3 The heraldic type continues on gravestones down to the latest period of paganism.

Near the green, in the old burying-ground, are the graves of Captain Parker and other American patriots - the oldest gravestone is dated 1690.

Further examination of towers in the town wall of Pagasae (or Demetrias) led to the discovery of many more painted gravestones, like those first found in 1907.

On the left bank of the Nile opposite Merawi are the pyramids of Nuri, and a few miles distant in the Wadi Ghazal are the ruins of a great Christian monastery, where were found gravestones with inscriptions in Greek and Coptic.

In another example, there's a person kneeling by a gravestone with long hair in her face.

However, upon further exploration, the two men discovered an old cemetery where they could hear a baby's cry coming from the ground in front of a gravestone and a fresh grave site of a mother and infant who were recently buried together.

If you can't find the ideal inscription for your loved one's gravestone, consider writing your own.


grave, stone, tombstone, monument, memorial, tomb, headstone,


frivolous, unimportant, noncritical, achromatic, artifact,

gravestone's Meaning in Other Sites