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grasp Meaning in Tamil ( grasp வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பற்றி பிடி,

grasp தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உச்சந்தலையை விரிப்பின்மீது வைத்து கைகளால் தலையை பற்றி பிடித்துக் கொள்ளவும்.

ஆப்பிரிக்க யானையின் தும்பிக்கையின் முனையில் இரு உதடைப் போன்ற பற்றி பிடிக்கும் தசைப் பகுதியும் ஆசிய யானையின் தும்பிக்கை முனை ஒரு பற்றிப் பிடிக்கும் தசைப் பகுதியும் அமையப் பெற்றுள்ளன.

grasp's Usage Examples:

Such an assumption belies a shaky grasp of what genes actually do.

Others there are whose hands have sunbeams in them, so that their grasp warms my heart.

Grasping reflex occurs as the palmar reflex when a finger is placed in the neonate's palm and the neonate grasps the finger.

He was a typical Bourbon, unable either to learn or to forget; and the closing years of his life he spent in religious austerities, intended to expiate, not his failure to grasp a great opportunity, but the comparatively venial excesses of his youth.

aperture, mounted as a Newtonian telescope (with a silvered plane for the small mirror), when the surfaces are in fair average condition, is equal in light grasp to a first-rate refractor of 10-in.

He was the only Russian statesman of the day with sufficient foresight to grasp the fact that the Baltic seaboard, or even a part of it, was worth more to Muscovy than ten times the same amount of territory in Lithuania, and, despite ignorant jealousy of his colleagues, succeeded (Dec.

But it excludes Manchuria, with the Liao-tung peninsula and Port Arthur, upon which Russia only placed her grasp in 1898-99, a grasp which she was compelled by Japan to release after the war of 1904-5.

He left twentythree sons, of whom the fifth, Zaman Mirza, by help of Payindah Khan, head of the Barakzai family of the Abdalis, succeeded in grasping the royal power.

She grasped the sweater to her lips with both hands and moaned.

But the absence of the long-shaped implements, so characteristic of the Neolithic and Palaeolithic series, and serviceable as picks, hatchets, and chisels, shows remarkable limitation in the mind of these savages, who made a broad, hand-grasped knife their tool of all work to cut, saw, and chop with.


hold, hold on, clasp, latch on, take hold, cling, hang,


disagree, enable, deny, unclasp, let go of,

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