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gore Meaning in Tamil ( gore வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முக்கோன நிலத்துண்டு

gore's Usage Examples:

Finally the globe is covered with the paper gores upon which the map is drawn.

The later basalts are especially marked by columnar jointing, which determines the famous structures of the Giant's Causeway and the coast near Bengore Head.

The great Pythagorean oath was taken by the sacred tetractys.

The adaption of these gores to the curvature of the sphere calls for great care.

circumscribe the limits of the possible?The Pythagorean school of philosophers adopted the theory of a spherical earth, but from metaphysical rather than scientific reasons; their convincing argument was that a sphere being the most perfect solid figure was the only one worthy to circumscribe the dwellingplace of man.

) "there was nothing fanciful in the Pythagorean doctrine except only the belief that the differences of velocity in the movements of the stars were capable of producing a harmonious orchestration and not merely sounds of varying pitch.

gore effects, uncredited on the copy of the movie I watched, are actually quite good.

32 was first proved in a general way by the Pythagoreans; but, on the other hand, we learn from Geminus that the ancient geometers observed the equality to two right angles in each kind of triangle - in the equilateral first, then in the isosceles, and lastly in the scalene (Apoll.

31 Discorso Intorno alle Opere di Messer Gioseffe Zarlino, and followed it up in his famous Dialogo, defending the Pythagorean system in very unmeasured language.

As he designedly wrote nothing, and, with the aid of his pupils, kept his views secret, after the manner of the Pythagoreans, his philosophy must be inferred mainly from the writings of Plotinus.

The Pythagorean theory of numbers, Neoplatonic ideas of emanation, the Logos, the personified Wisdom, Gnosticism - these and many other features combine to show the antiquity of tendencies which, clad in other shapes, are already found in the old pre-Christian Oriental religions.

If you're after gore, consider applying fake red blood that drips from your forehead or mouth with either a red lipstick or red gel.


thrust, pierce,


undiluted, malfunction, strengthen,

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