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golan Meaning in Tamil ( golan வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



golan's Usage Examples:

Many rock engravings are found in northern Namibia and in the Angolan highlands.

In 1402, after the defeat of the pirates off Heligoland by the fleet of Hamburg, Emden was besieged, but it was not reduced by Hamburg, with the aid of Edzard Cirksena of Greetsyl, until 1431.

Only 2,000 Angolan colobus remain in Kenya with 47% of these outside the protection of National Parks, reserves or sacred forests.

Miss Keller has given her account of it, and the whole matter was discussed in the first Volta Bureau Souvenir from which I quote at length:by the river Volta (which separates it from the German colony of Togoland); the southern frontier is conterminous with the northern frontier of the (British) Gold Coast colony.

Beginning in the south-east corner of the Gold Coast colony this range, composed of quartzites and schists, extends beyond the borders of Togoland into upper Dahomey.

Near the west extremity, abutting upon the Elbe, the moat was filled in in 1894-1897, and some good streets were built along the site, while the Kersten Miles-Briicke, adorned with statues of four Hamburg heroes, was thrown across the Helgolander Allee.

Ana Paula Dos Santos added that the Angolan government vowed to eradicate poliomyelitis by 2005, which calls for a hard work.

Thus perjured and disgraced the young king embarked for Scotland on the 2nd of June; on the 11th when off Heligoland he signed the treaty, and on the 23rd, on his arrival at Speymouth, before landing, he swore to both the covenants.

) but inland Togoland widens to three or four times that breadth.

The fish mostly caught are cod, haddock and herrings, while Heligoland yields lobsters, and the islands of Fhr, Amrum and Sylt oysters of good quality.

On his return he was wrecked on the holy island of Fosite (Heligoland), where his disregard of the pagan superstition nearly cost him his life.

, enters Togoland at its northeast corner, and runs with a very sinuous course south-south-west to its junction with the Volta in 7° 37' N.

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