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godson Meaning in Tamil ( godson வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஞானஸ்நானத்தின் போது குழந்தையாக எடுத்துக் கொள்ளப்பட்ட ஆண் குழந்தை,

godson's Usage Examples:

The earldom of Chesterfield passed at his death to his godson, already mentioned, as 5th earl, and so to the latter's son and grandson.

I tried to make a photographer out of my godson Billy, but I'm afraid at his age there are a lot more interesting things to do, and they all have female names.

1 Don Augustin Iturbide, grandson of the emperor, godson and (perhaps) at one time the destined heir of Maximilian, was turned out of the army and imprisoned in 1890 for abusing President Diaz.

Billy's his godson or something.

, whom he married in 1733, adopted his godson, a distant cousin, named Philip Stanhope (1755-1815), as heir to the title and estates.

As Johannes Gratianus he had earned a high reputation for learning and probity, and in 1045 he bought the Roman pontificate from his godson Benedict IX.

In 2004, Bullock took her godson to meet the star of the reality TV show Monster Garage, Jesse James.

He is his godson, she added, her tone suggesting that this fact ought to give Prince Vasili much satisfaction.

, the godson of Pope Leo XIII.

The abbe de Chateauneuf died before his godson left school, but he had already introduced him to the famous and dissipated coterie of the Temple, of which the grand prior Vendome was the head, and the poets Chaulieu and La Fare the chief literary stars.





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