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gneiss Meaning in Tamil ( gneiss வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வரிப்பாறை இணைவு,

gneiss தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


gneiss's Usage Examples:

Among the commonest associates of the diamond are quartz, topaz, tourmaline, rutile, zircon, magnetite, garnet, spinel and other minerals which are common accessory constituents of granite, gneiss and the crystalline schists.

The iron deposits occur in more or less fine-grained gneiss or granulite (Gellivara, Grangesberg, Norberg, Striberg), or separated from the granulite by masses of augitic and amphibolous minerals (gronskarn), as in Persberg and Nordmark.

There is no axial zone of gneiss, but intrusions of granite and other plutonic rocks occur, and the famous ore deposits are found chiefly near the contact of these intrusions with the schists.

The plateau is built up of granites, gneisses and crystalline schists of Archean and probably Primary age.

Large sheets of muscovite, such as are of commercial value, are found only in the very coarsely crystallized pegmatite veins traversing granite, gneiss or micaschist.

The substrata are mostly sandstone of various formation, and granitic gneiss, of which the rocks are mainly composed.

Granite is the most widely spread of the crystalline rocks; but dikes of various kinds occur, and gneiss, schist and marble are also met with.

The greater part of Bengal is occupied by the alluvial deposits of the Ganges, but in the south-west rises the plateau of Chota Nagpur composed chiefly of gneissic rocks.

The rock is a very compact and fine-grained mixture of felspar, quartz and mica, often graduating to mica schist, quartzite and gneiss.


metamorphic rock,



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