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glom Meaning in Tamil ( glom வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


glom தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கருத்தரித்தலை மேம்படுத்துவதற்கான முயற்சிகளுக்கு எடைக்குறைப்பு,மெட்பார்மின் அல்லது குளோம்பிபைன் ஆகியவை நல்ல பயனைத் தரும்.

glom's Usage Examples:

The term " Hibernian Greensand " was used by Tate for all the beds below the Senonian; the quarrymen know the conglomeratic Senonian as " Mulatto-stone.

It is not the work of a single author, but rather a conglomerate of literary fragments which once circulated under the names of Enoch, Noah and possibly Methuselah.

A Conglomeration of Independent Principalities.

These are overlaid by sandstones, slates and limestones, alternating with porphyries and porphyrites, sometimes in the form of sheets, sometimes as breccias and conglomerates.

The gold in this conglomerate reef is partly of detrital origin and partly of the genetic character of ordinary vein-gold.

The remainder and greater part of the county is occupied chiefly by the gently inclined Old Red Sandstone; in the dissected plateau of the Black Mountains north of Crickhowell the lower marls and cornstones are laid open, while south of Brecon the conglomeratic upper beds form the escarpment and plateaus of the Beacons.

Explain that the blood vessel leaving a glomerulus is narrower than the one entering it and so pressure in the glomerular capillaries is high.

The food so absorbed passes to the outer cortical mycellum, and from this tc the inner hyphae, which appear to be the organs of the interchangi of substance, for they are attracted to the neighborhood of thi nuclei of the cells, which they enter, and iii which they form agglom erations of interwoven filaments.

On every continent, the march of progress has engendered monstrous urban conglomerations, vast pools of human misery.

Glomerulus-Plural, glomeruli; a network of capillaries located in the nephron of the kidney where wastes are filtered from the blood.

"Theconglomerates are true " banket " and are auriferous, but the gold has not been met with in payable quantities.


snitch, hook, knock off, steal, cop, thieve,


unfasten, mark up, continue, fall back, stand still,

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