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glob Meaning in Tamil ( glob வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



glob's Usage Examples:

See also Immunodeficiency; Immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes.

The Paris flight will also open up 260 onward connections across the world to Norwich's global jet setters.

Infants, however, cannot receive this antitoxin and are usually treated instead with injections of human botulism immune globulin (BIG), an antiserum that neutralizes the botulinum toxin.

The species differ greatly in size and general appearance and in the character of the frond; the sori or groups of spore-cases (sporangia) are borne on the back of the leaf, are globose and naked, that is, are not covered with a membrane (indusium) (see fig.

"a progressive abbreviation of the heart, with a diminution in the number of the ostia, can be traced, leading to the condition found in the closely related Cladocera, where the heart is a subglobular sac, with only a single pair of ostia.

At present the change of isoprene into caoutchouc is mainly of scientific interest in indicating possibilities with regard to the conversion of the liquid globules of the latex into rubber and to the formation of rubber by plants.

In some areas, permafrost is now emitting carbon, which could potentially accelerate the greenhouse effect and global warming.

All received intravenous immunoglobulin, and four received platelet concentrate.

The watery liquid known as rubber milk or latex is an emulsion consisting chiefly of a weak watery solution of proteids, carbohydrates and salts holding the liquid globules in suspension.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with this beloved costume style, it isn't the most unique method for spooking!The other point is the indicators of change in the global economic outlook which are already spooking the markets.

a, Typical pear-shaped or oval forms; b, various stages in longitudinal division; c, nuclear division preparatory to multiple fission; d, endoglobular forms, in red blood-corpuscles (p pigment grains); e, bacillary form of the parasite in a corpuscle; M, large macrophageal cell with many parasites (after Donovan).

They are dwarf, ribbed, globose or cylindrical plants; and the flowers, which are produced from the side instead of the apex of the stem, are large, and in some cases very beautiful, being remarkable for the length of the tube, which is more or less covered with bristly hairs.

floundered at the bottom of a global survey of citizens ' economic outlook.


clump, coagulum, clot, gob, chunk, clew, lump, clod, ball, agglomeration,


ride, homogenize, homogenise, unwind,

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