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girt Meaning in Tamil ( girt வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


girt's Usage Examples:

"The prey is always swallowed entire, and, as its girth generally much exceeds that of the snake, the progress of deglutition is very laborious and slow.

The first powerloom used in the United States was invented about 1812, and was set up at Peacedale, in 1814, for the manufacture of woollen saddlegirths and other webbing.

high, having sometimes a girth of 6 or 8 ft.

in length, with a basal girth of 24 in.

in girth, called "the White Throne.

The Cossacks were untying their horses and tightening their saddle girths.

14, where David girt in (or with) a linen ephod dances before the ark at its entry into Jerusalem and incurs the unqualified contempt of his wife Michal, the daughter of Saul.

The mountain range that runs out towards the north-east of Sicily is composed of crystalline rocks precisely similar to those forming the parallel range of Aspromonte in Calabria, but both of these are girt about by sedimentary strata belonging in part to an early Tertiary epoch.

At Knowlton in Dorset there is a line of yews, survivors from an early hedgerow, with an average girth of 25 feet.

, who died without heirs, preferred to pass on the power to Osman, son of Ertogrul, and with his own hands invested Osman and girt him with the sword: this investiture was the legitimate beginning of the Osmanli authority.

in girth, and, it is said, occasionally attaining much larger dimensions.


fortify, arm, rearm, forearm, build up, re-arm,


weaken, devitalize, decrease, worsen, disarm,

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