<< geography geoidal >>

geoid Meaning in Tamil ( geoid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


geoid's Usage Examples:

Geoid >>Granting that the geoid or mean surface of the ocean is a uniform spheroid, the distribution of land and water approximately indicates a division of the surface of the globe into two areas, one of elevation and one of depression.

geoid height is performed continuously for all surface types.

The differences of level between different parts of the geoid have been greatly overestimated in the past; F.

geoid determination involve gathering gravity and other data over a wide area.

Granting that the geoid or mean surface of the ocean is a uniform spheroid, the distribution of land and water approximately indicates a division of the surface of the globe into two areas, one of elevation and one of depression.

Hence the geoid or figure of the sea-surface is not part of an ellipsoid of rotation but is irregular.

The inequalities of the geoid in no case exceed 300 ft.

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