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generalist Meaning in Tamil ( generalist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



generalist தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


generalist's Usage Examples:

Library staff needed to become generalists, involved in evaluating information.

It will serve as an aide-memoire for both the specialist equine vet and for those generalists which have some equine patients.

Who are the pupils?Some people choose to remain generalists, which is quite tempting too.

Advances in medical science were therefore mainly applied by hospital specialists, not community generalists.

It's the generalists who are frequently the masters of innovation, able to draw from a diversity of ideas and sources to come up with something new.

I am applying for the human resource generalist position posted at your website.

Based in the Oxford office this role will report to the Managing Director and offer a generalist HR service to around 80 staff.

specialized generalists have a special interest in the treatment of drug users.

From a company perspective, what's needed in the scale phase is a switch from generalists to specialists.

generalist infrastructure to meet the needs of marginalized groups [2] .

They will have to become less people generalists, and more business generalists, working at the C.

generalist predators such as spiders are less clear.

Bridging managers are a cost effective alternative to permanent recruitment, providing either generalist or specialist skills in HR.


scholarly person, Renaissance man, student, bookman, scholar,


pediatrician, head-shrinker, endocrinologist, haematologist, specialist,

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