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gametes Meaning in Tamil ( gametes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



gametes's Usage Examples:

It is known that zoogametes, which usually conjugate, may, when conjugation fails, germinate directly (Sphaerella).

Now such a gametic (egg or sperm) constitution can only result when two individuals, all or some of whose gametes are pure with regard to the character albinism, meet in fertilization.

In Zygogonium, although no cell-division takes place, the gametes consist of a portion only of the contents of a cell, and this is regularly the case in Mesocarpaceae, which occupy the highest grade among Conjugatae.

In these cases, however, the potential gametes may, failing conjugation, germinate directly, like the zoospores derived from unilocular sporangia.

In these cases the activity of one of the gametes, and the passivity of the other, is regarded as evidence of incipient sex.

The male gametes, it may be noted, are said to possess the essential characters of a Trypanosome.

An albino is a homozygote; that is, all its gametes are carrying the character of albinism and none of them bear the alternative character - the allelomorph - of pigmentation.

Fraternal twins are referred to as dizygotic twins, meaning that two unions of two gametes or male/female sex cells occurred to produce two separate embryos.

This process is used in the production of haploid gametes.

When two similar zoogametes fuse, the process is conjugation, and the product a zygospore (Gr.

ascogonium and antheridium contain numerous nuclei; they are to be looked upon as gametangia in which there is no differentiation of gametes, and since they act as single gametes they are termed coenogametes.

Or, to express it otherwise, an albino extracted from yellow parents, bred with an albino extracted from black parents, will give an albino offspring whose gametes in equal numbers are bearers of the black and yellow determinants.

Ectocarpus siliculosus, female gamete surrounded by male gametes.


spermatozoon, spermatozoan, ovum, oosphere, isogamete, antherozoid, egg cell, sperm cell, sperm, reproductive cell, sex cell, spermatid, anisogamete, spermatozoid, germ cell,



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