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galactose Meaning in Tamil ( galactose வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



galactose's Usage Examples:

/-Ribose and d-lyxose are prepared by inversion from l-arabinose and l-xylose; the latter has also been obtained from d-galactose.

It is soluble in water to an indefinite extent; boiled with dilute sulphuric acid it is converted into the sugar galactose.

Phenylketonuria, Tay-Sachs disease, and galactosemia are inborn errors of metabolism.

The hexoses so obtained are not necessarily identical: thus cane sugar yields d-glucose and d-fructose (invert sugar); milk sugar and melibiose give d-glucose and d-galactose, whilst maltose yields only glucose.

Of the ketoses, we notice d-sorbose, found in the berries of mountain-ash, and d-tagatose, obtained by Lobry de Bruyn and van Ekenstein on treating galactose with dilute alkalis, talose and l-sorbose being formed at the same time.

If left unaddressed, galactose can increase to toxic levels in the body and may lead to damage of the liver, central nervous system, and various other body systems.

On reducing the lactone prepared from the inactive acid an inactive galactose is obtained from which l-galactose may be separated by fermentation.

mannose residues for every galactose residue.

Lastly, when d-galactonic acid is heated with pyridine, it is converted into talonic acid, which is reducible to talose, an isomeride bearing to galactose the same relation that mannose bears to glucose.

The GALT enzyme enables the body to break down galactose into glucose for energy.

Lactose is thus found to be glucosido-galactose and melibiose a galactosido-glucose.

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