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fundus Meaning in Tamil ( fundus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fundus's Usage Examples:

Diffuse or focal leakage can be identified by fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA ).

von Grafe, first saw the fundus of the living human eye, with its optic disc and blood-vessels, his face flushed with excitement, and he cried, "Helmholtz has unfolded to us a new world!"The ureters open into the fundus of the bladder as in some Rodents.

Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle sending a strong vinculum to that of the flexor profundus muscle, the tendon of which goes to the third toe only.

Near the posterior pole of the fundus, but somewhat excentrically placed towards the temporal or outer side, is the fovea centralis, a slight depression in the retina, composed almost entirely of cones, the spot of most acute vision.

vesicle (the fundus of the original pit) or on its sides; their arrangement and number vary greatly and furnish useful characters for distinguishing genera.

Next comes the gall bladder, a pear-shaped bag, the fundus of which is in front and below, the neck behind and above.

At the fundus are placed the concrement-cells with their conspicuous otoliths (con) and the inconspicuous auditory cells, which are connected with the subumbral nerve - ring.

Immediate postpartal care after a c-section is similar to post-operative care with the exception of palpating the fundus (top of the uterus) for firmness.

The ureters open into the fundus of the bladder as in some Rodents.

Stomach The stomach is divided into three areas: The fundus The body The pyloric antrum.

fundus of the eye) also require interpretation.

The practitioner should always bear in mind that failure to examine the fundus properly under mydriasis may lead to serious retinal changes being missed.


bodily structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, body structure, structure,


natural object,

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